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Our Philosophy

When helping clients, the philosophy behind our approach can be summarised in three fundamental frameworks. These are:


Frame of reference

Frame of mind

Frame for change


At STL Ethos we See, Think and Lead. It’s what we do. It’s who we are. It goes without saying that we tackle problems holistically while coaching and mentoring the teams and leaders with whom we work.

White Sand and Stone

The frame of reference

is about addressing a business problem holistically: the parts are intrinsically connected to the whole. Business problems – and transformations – rarely sit neatly within a single part of the business, under the control of a single executive. Businesses are highly interconnected and so, to get the best result, opportunities for change must be addressed holistically.

The frame of mind

is about the leaders’ approach to others, most especially their team members, which should be heavily biased towards coaching and mentoring.

Blurred people mingling

The frame for change

is about building the team and guiding it with conviction through a recognised process. This process has three steps – See, Think and Lead – which enable transformation by:


Seeing things as they really are;

Thinking through and designing what you want the future to look like;

Leading the specific transformation to a successful conclusion.

Five ideas shape the way we work with you

Your desired outcome frames the conversation, from beginning to end. It shapes the strategy, aligns the plan and drives the tempo.


Partnership and collaboration set the tone. We work with you to make a difference – to your business performance and your people.


Experience is what we bring. Our people have held senior positions in business, in consulting, or both. We are adept at translating both problems and solutions, allowing all business sectors to benefit.


Every project is an opportunity to learn and we regularly have client employees with high potential on our teams. Seeing career development of our future business leaders is rewarding for all.


Global reach, virtual presence is enabled through technology. We use the latest Microsoft toolset to create virtual teams and collaborative work spaces, but when you need us there, we’re on-site too!

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